Why Read Articles About Music Artists And The Music Industry?


Many people enjoy listening to music on a daily basis. Music can be cathartic or uplifting. It can remind you of other times in your life or make you feel more fully present. True music lovers often enjoy learning about the people behind their favorite music. Musicians have a lot to say about their creative works, and you can read all about it in interviews and articles written for music publications.

20 May 2021

4 Ways An Advanced Player Can Benefit From Piano Lessons


If you've been playing piano for years already, you may consider yourself to be an advanced piano player. You may wonder why you should take piano lessons if you already have so much piano playing ability. Fortunately, private piano lessons can still benefit you. Here are a few reasons why even an advanced player should be taking lessons from an experienced piano teacher. 1. An expert teacher can help you target your weak spots.

9 March 2021

Increasing Your Appreciation For Rock Music When Forming A Band Of Your Own


If you enjoy the sounds of traditional rock and roll and you are interested in starting a band of your own with this genre of music in the forefront, you want to look and sound as if you are a pro when it comes to the display you provide to others. Here are some options available to aid in your knowledge and appreciation expansion when it comes to rock music.

22 December 2020

5 Must-Have Pieces of Music Equipment for Your Home Studio


If you love music and want to start recording your own, you will need is a recording studio. With the right music equipment, you can have a recording studio right inside your home. If you're not sure where to start, here are five must-have pieces of music equipment for your home studio. 1. Musical Instruments Many people who record their own music play a musical instrument. An instrument can help you stay on-key as you sing, plus it makes the song sound better.

21 September 2020

Want To Be The Next Star? 3 Reasons To Hire A Country Music Songwriter


When you love to sing and country music speaks to your soul, you might be trying to come up with the next great love song. However, before you can become a big star, you will need your own music, recordings, and persona, which is why hiring a country music songwriter can come in handy. Here are three reasons to hire a country music songwriter, and why you won't regret the investment.

16 July 2020

A Humorous Musical Act Could Be Great For A Corporate Event


Corporate events attempt to mix business with social activities. Dinner and cocktails can bookend events when people speak behind a podium. The speakers might discuss new mission goals, marketing plans, and sales figures. Such information should enthuse attendees, but long speaking engagements can become dull. Non-professional speakers could come off the "same," which often makes presentations sound alike. Hiring entertainers for a corporate event, particularly musicians, can liven things up a lot.

17 March 2020

Tips For Starting A Career As A Music Composer For Television And Film


For many composers, working on television series or feature films is a huge career goal. Composing music for television or film is one way to ensure that your original creations are heard by millions. While becoming a TV or film music composer is not impossible, it does require talent, along with drive, ambition, and the willingness to work very hard. Building a career as a TV or film music composer doesn't just happen — you need to know what steps to take to help make your dream a reality.

16 January 2020